Friday, October 30, 2009

Suuuper Fuuunny Prankkk Videooo

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sick One

Last Thursday, while watching Up, I began to feel a sickness coming on. I wasn't too shocked because everyone here has been getting in, from people in classes, the dorms, the Dining Commons...the possibilities are endless. At first it was just a cough and headache, which was eased with some medicine and cough drops. By the time Sunday rolled around, it was pretty well gone and I was back to full energy. And then, a day or so later, it was back, except this time it's congestion, not a cough. I was the most miserable on Thursday when I went to my morning class and my teacher noticed I wasn't feeling good. I went back to my room and slept until my friend got off class. A sick girl has gotta I went, looking like crap and not caring one bit. I made the decision to skip my afternoon class and sleep. When I woke up around dinnertime, I was completely out of energy and still tired as all heck. After dinner, we went back to my room, watched Survivor, and listened to music, mostly from my iPod but at random intervals, the guys next door would break into a harmony of "Halo" by Beyonce. Around 11pm, I was feeling a bit less groggy and more awake so Abby and I ventured over to the DC for the "Halloween Carnival Festival Fall Ball Costume Gala Shindig Party Get-together Autumn Affair Function Soiree Social EXTRAVAGANZA" (yes, that's what it was called). We got to paint and decorate small pumpkins, frost cookies, make crafts, vote on the costumes, and other fun stuff. Rather than calling it a night around 1am, Abby, Krista, Katherine, and I decided to sit in the dorm hallway. It was after Quiet Hours (at which point you are supposed to be in a room, not in the hallways, and as quiet as possible) but Roy(my RA) didn't care too much. There were several guys being equally loud playing Halo (the video game this time), running around in the hallway, and other stuff. We ended up sitting there for 2 hours. Needless to say, I didn't sleep til close to 5am. Even when I'm sick, I manage to have some fun :)

UP! the movie

On Thursday, October 15th, the movie Up played in the quad. As I was not able to go to the Campus Moviefest the Friday before, I decided to attend this as a replacement. I saw the movie once while it was in theatres and it was amazing so I was excited when I heard it was going to be played for free on a huge screen in the quad. The Pixar animated movie is full of life, laughter, adventure, and quirky unexpected moments. Unlike most movies shown these days, this movie had a different plot than had ever been seen before. I went with Katherine and Abby pretty early so we got front row seats. The only downside was the moms behind us who kept talking about unrelated stuff and their kids who kept bumping my chair but it was bearable since the movie was loud.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Soggy Day

So yesterday I woke up and it was raining outside. I heard there was going to be heavy rains and potential floods in the Bay Area the night before but I didn't know what to expect. I put on a jacket and vest, wrapped a scarf around my neck, put on my fuzzy gloves, and opened my umbrella once outside. Within a few hours, my vest and jacket were soaked and my feet were cold and wet so I decided to take a trip to Walmart for some snacks, rainboots, and a new umbrella since my cheap one kept blowing inside out and ripping. I asked Alison if she wanted to go and she agreed. On the VTA, when we were supposed to get off, the bell didnt ring when I pulled the cord so we had to get off on the next stop and walk in the pouring rain to get back to the correct bus stop. At Walmart, we bought rain boots, dry socks, snack foods, and then went walking around the store, avoiding going back out to the rain.  We got back a few hours later and changed into warm, dry clothes. I stayed inside for the most of the rest of the night, except when I went to dinner at the DC 3 times with 4 different people. I still haven't got my cell phone in the mail :(

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Homecoming Weekend

On Thursday, I had dinner with Abby and her friend Jonathan. Abby and I went to the Fire on the Fountain event (free food, crafts, spirit activities, fire dancers, and music). It was a bunch of fun but we left early so we could say bye to Katherine before she left. On Friday, I got up late so I took a shower, did stuff in my room, then went to dinner with Emily. We ended up sitting with my friend Alli and her friends and Jezeca and her friend joined us all. Katherine, Nate, and I were planning on going to the 2nd chance prom for freshmen. It took us longer to get ready than we were actually there since no one showed up. Instead we just went back to our rooms and watched Star Wars. On Saturday, Abby came to my room and we chilled with Katherine til the Homecoming game against the Idaho Vandals. They gave us free ThunderStix which pumped up the crowd and we had a fun time. Abby and I were hungry and cold so we left 10 mins before the end of the game when the Spartans were ahead. Turns out, as expected, we lost the game, by 4 dang points so at least we left on a good note. We decided to go to Pizza My Heart for dinner which was yummy (and I got a new T-shirt). Fiona and I went to VM after we got back and got some ice cream and watched a much-needed chick flick called Hope Floats and the SNL when Abby came down to my room. Today is Sunday and I woke up at 3:30pm :) So far, I've showered, done laundry, eating a hot pocket, watched Planet Earth, and now I am typing this. Later I am going to Nightlife and maybe Philz coffee afterwards then I need to type a paper. And thats my weekend!

Overview of our Video

Members= Alyssa, Maya, Ben, Monica, Jezeca
Concept: Random Moments at SJSU

· Scooter/Skateboard Race

· Squirrel Fighting

· Random Educational Puppet Scene

· Don’t fight me, Fight a Stuffed Bear!

· Love triangle with a tree

· Guys singing “Single Ladies”

Questions (to ask students on campus)

1. When was the last time you took a shower?

2. Does your mother know you are out tonight?

3. Do you sing in the shower?

4. What are you going to be for Halloween?

5. What’s your stand on beavers?

6. Pepsi or Coca-cola?

Summary: Overall are video is just about goofy things people will do or say when they find themselves in awkwardly random moments. We should be filming on campus. Are locations: Joe West, Bricks, Around campus.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Just Another Weekend @ SJSU

EVERYONE WENT HOME THIS WEEKEND...or at least it seems like it. On Thursday, I chilled in my room with Abby and Katherine til I went to CCC Afterparty (Weird Al-themed). Alison and I only stayed for an hour or so. We ended up going to chill with Reyna, Arnie, and Lena in Arnie's room in Joe West. We watched TV, talked, and took crazy pics. On Friday, we had lunch at the DC and hung out all day until Krista offered to take us to In 'N Out. I hadn't been in a car or to In 'N Out in more than a month so it was fun and we jammed to some hip hop all the way. We went to Lucky's after eating but we had like 3 minutes to shop before it closed so we felt like we were on Supermarket Sweep. It was an adventure in itself having to carry back my groceries and a 24 case of water down from the parking garage and into my room. On Saturday, we wanted to see a movie but Camera 12 had really bad showtimes and we didn't want to go all the way to Oakridge just to see the movie. Instead, Abby and I went to Hoagie Steak Out, to 7/11, and to Reyna's room to annoy the heck out of her since she "wasn't feeling good". On the way down from the 10th floor, I decided to press all the buttons so we'd stop at every floor, thinking that no one would get on. Of course, on the 9th floor, a group of guys got on a were like "Is this for real?" and "Which one of you did this?" I laughed the whole way, especially when one chick got on and blamed the guy standing next to the button panel. He was like "Is it cuz I'm Mexican" lol. At the end, I said "Thanks yal, it's been a fun ride. We should do it again next time" and they just laughed. Abby and Krista then came to my room where we watched SNL, played 20Q, and laughed wayyy too much for quiet hours.  On Sunday, Krista and Abby and I went downtown to Starbucks and Johnny Rocket's then I had to clean up my room and then went to CCC Nightlife. Fun times :)

Classtime in MCOM

On Monday, Professor Dan was absent due to an illness so our Peer Mentor Cindy led the class. We gave her feedback on the class and then played this fun ice-breaker game where you shoot the people around you (we ain't in high school anymore). On Wednesday, we learned about HTML and other stuff for our midterm and then we were assigned a video project. My group consists of me, Jezeca, Ben, Monica, and Maya. Our ideas so far include dressing up in costumes and going to do funny pranks around campus. I even recruited a few friends from outside of class to join in on the fun.
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