Sunday, October 11, 2009

Homecoming Weekend

On Thursday, I had dinner with Abby and her friend Jonathan. Abby and I went to the Fire on the Fountain event (free food, crafts, spirit activities, fire dancers, and music). It was a bunch of fun but we left early so we could say bye to Katherine before she left. On Friday, I got up late so I took a shower, did stuff in my room, then went to dinner with Emily. We ended up sitting with my friend Alli and her friends and Jezeca and her friend joined us all. Katherine, Nate, and I were planning on going to the 2nd chance prom for freshmen. It took us longer to get ready than we were actually there since no one showed up. Instead we just went back to our rooms and watched Star Wars. On Saturday, Abby came to my room and we chilled with Katherine til the Homecoming game against the Idaho Vandals. They gave us free ThunderStix which pumped up the crowd and we had a fun time. Abby and I were hungry and cold so we left 10 mins before the end of the game when the Spartans were ahead. Turns out, as expected, we lost the game, by 4 dang points so at least we left on a good note. We decided to go to Pizza My Heart for dinner which was yummy (and I got a new T-shirt). Fiona and I went to VM after we got back and got some ice cream and watched a much-needed chick flick called Hope Floats and the SNL when Abby came down to my room. Today is Sunday and I woke up at 3:30pm :) So far, I've showered, done laundry, eating a hot pocket, watched Planet Earth, and now I am typing this. Later I am going to Nightlife and maybe Philz coffee afterwards then I need to type a paper. And thats my weekend!

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