Sunday, October 4, 2009

Just Another Weekend @ SJSU

EVERYONE WENT HOME THIS WEEKEND...or at least it seems like it. On Thursday, I chilled in my room with Abby and Katherine til I went to CCC Afterparty (Weird Al-themed). Alison and I only stayed for an hour or so. We ended up going to chill with Reyna, Arnie, and Lena in Arnie's room in Joe West. We watched TV, talked, and took crazy pics. On Friday, we had lunch at the DC and hung out all day until Krista offered to take us to In 'N Out. I hadn't been in a car or to In 'N Out in more than a month so it was fun and we jammed to some hip hop all the way. We went to Lucky's after eating but we had like 3 minutes to shop before it closed so we felt like we were on Supermarket Sweep. It was an adventure in itself having to carry back my groceries and a 24 case of water down from the parking garage and into my room. On Saturday, we wanted to see a movie but Camera 12 had really bad showtimes and we didn't want to go all the way to Oakridge just to see the movie. Instead, Abby and I went to Hoagie Steak Out, to 7/11, and to Reyna's room to annoy the heck out of her since she "wasn't feeling good". On the way down from the 10th floor, I decided to press all the buttons so we'd stop at every floor, thinking that no one would get on. Of course, on the 9th floor, a group of guys got on a were like "Is this for real?" and "Which one of you did this?" I laughed the whole way, especially when one chick got on and blamed the guy standing next to the button panel. He was like "Is it cuz I'm Mexican" lol. At the end, I said "Thanks yal, it's been a fun ride. We should do it again next time" and they just laughed. Abby and Krista then came to my room where we watched SNL, played 20Q, and laughed wayyy too much for quiet hours.  On Sunday, Krista and Abby and I went downtown to Starbucks and Johnny Rocket's then I had to clean up my room and then went to CCC Nightlife. Fun times :)

1 comment:

  1. You are so funny! I was laughing my gut off (hopefully) reading this post, esp. the story of your elevator antics and your exiting words as everyone go off!


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