Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Soggy Day

So yesterday I woke up and it was raining outside. I heard there was going to be heavy rains and potential floods in the Bay Area the night before but I didn't know what to expect. I put on a jacket and vest, wrapped a scarf around my neck, put on my fuzzy gloves, and opened my umbrella once outside. Within a few hours, my vest and jacket were soaked and my feet were cold and wet so I decided to take a trip to Walmart for some snacks, rainboots, and a new umbrella since my cheap one kept blowing inside out and ripping. I asked Alison if she wanted to go and she agreed. On the VTA, when we were supposed to get off, the bell didnt ring when I pulled the cord so we had to get off on the next stop and walk in the pouring rain to get back to the correct bus stop. At Walmart, we bought rain boots, dry socks, snack foods, and then went walking around the store, avoiding going back out to the rain.  We got back a few hours later and changed into warm, dry clothes. I stayed inside for the most of the rest of the night, except when I went to dinner at the DC 3 times with 4 different people. I still haven't got my cell phone in the mail :(

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