Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sick One

Last Thursday, while watching Up, I began to feel a sickness coming on. I wasn't too shocked because everyone here has been getting in, from people in classes, the dorms, the Dining Commons...the possibilities are endless. At first it was just a cough and headache, which was eased with some medicine and cough drops. By the time Sunday rolled around, it was pretty well gone and I was back to full energy. And then, a day or so later, it was back, except this time it's congestion, not a cough. I was the most miserable on Thursday when I went to my morning class and my teacher noticed I wasn't feeling good. I went back to my room and slept until my friend got off class. A sick girl has gotta I went, looking like crap and not caring one bit. I made the decision to skip my afternoon class and sleep. When I woke up around dinnertime, I was completely out of energy and still tired as all heck. After dinner, we went back to my room, watched Survivor, and listened to music, mostly from my iPod but at random intervals, the guys next door would break into a harmony of "Halo" by Beyonce. Around 11pm, I was feeling a bit less groggy and more awake so Abby and I ventured over to the DC for the "Halloween Carnival Festival Fall Ball Costume Gala Shindig Party Get-together Autumn Affair Function Soiree Social EXTRAVAGANZA" (yes, that's what it was called). We got to paint and decorate small pumpkins, frost cookies, make crafts, vote on the costumes, and other fun stuff. Rather than calling it a night around 1am, Abby, Krista, Katherine, and I decided to sit in the dorm hallway. It was after Quiet Hours (at which point you are supposed to be in a room, not in the hallways, and as quiet as possible) but Roy(my RA) didn't care too much. There were several guys being equally loud playing Halo (the video game this time), running around in the hallway, and other stuff. We ended up sitting there for 2 hours. Needless to say, I didn't sleep til close to 5am. Even when I'm sick, I manage to have some fun :)

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