Monday, September 28, 2009

Fun Weekend

Yeah, it was freakin hot here in San Jose but I managed to have an amazing weekend nonetheless.  My weekend started on Thursday after my 1st class ended at 11:45am. My 2nd class had a furlough day. I met up with my friend and orientation roommate Alona and her friend for a bit. After getting a few things done back at my dorm, I had dinner with a few friends. Then we went and saw Transformers 2 playing on the inflateable screen in CV quad. The fight scene at the end started getting dragged out so one guy decided to streak in front of the whole audience which was funny. Then he did it again after he heard the crowd's cheers. We even met a nice girl who we ended up eating with at the DC after the movie. On Friday, my neighbor across the hall, Katherine, and I went to the mall via VTA for a few hours then I went to a friend's 20th birthday party in her dorm that night. On Saturday, my friend and I went downtown to get a bite to eat then headed to the football game. It was so freakin hot in the Spartan Squad section so we ended up leaving after Cal Poly's touchdown within the first 5 minutes of the game. Then we all wanted to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs which was hilariously awesome (Go see it!) and I thought the movie theater was weird. Afterwards, we were hungry so we ventured into downtown only to get caught in the whole clubbing scene and drunk homeless people wandering around. We ended up going to McDonalds right next to campus. Back in our dorms, we were all hyper so we sat in the hallway, talking and trying to be quiet so we wouldn't get in trouble. On Sunday, I just stayed in my room, cleaned it up, did laundry, took a shower, vacuumed, did homework, and watched some local news until I went to Nightlife with Crusade. To end the weekend, I chatted with my parents on the phone.

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