Friday, September 4, 2009

Similar Differences (Me & Elaine)

My roommate, Elaine, and I moved into our Hoover dorm 2 weeks ago.  Previously, we talked mostly on AIM about our personalities, music, classes, what to bring, and our excitement. She and I seemed to get along so I was looking forward to meeting her. I wouldn't say that we have sparked an amazing friendship and that we'll keep in touch afterwards, but we get along well.  We share my fridge and TV and her printer and microwave. I've met her friends that come to visit and she's met mine.

Our differences, you ask? 
- She lives in SF so she goes back home from Thursday night to Monday morning. I'm here til Christmas.
- Her side of the room is simple, not too much decor. Mine consists of my colorful scrapbook paper on the corkboard, my giraffe collection, and pictures from home.
- She likes to eat out with friends around town. I stick with eating food at the DC (after all, I am paying for it even if I don't go) but with my friends too.

- We have pretty much the same sleep and class schedule.
- We like the same music.
- We're both "hella" chill about our room...we keep our stuff on our own sides, keep it reasonable picked up, and try to be considerate when the other is studying

So we might not end up as best friends but I am glad she's my roommate. We can coexist in a semi-small place and share our new experiences.

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