Wednesday, September 23, 2009

MUSE MCOM class activity

Undo Writer’s Block

- take a break for 10-15 minutes
- write about your writer’s block and then your thoughts become more clear
- ask for a conference with your professor( who can give ideas, insight, or even past papers turned in by students
- use creativity-generating program such as IdeaFisher


- def: presenting someone else’s words as your own
- lack of effort to do research or to cite sources
- laziness, lack of time management, procrastination
- changing one or two small words in a sentence is still plagiarism
- ESL students have a hard time with it because they rely heavily on written source to further develop English skills
- unaware of it vs. doing it on purpose (same punishment)
- avoid it by citing your sources and using quotes from authors to enhance paper
-be prepared to defend yourself if it is accidental and understand where your professor is coming from if you are falsely accused

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