Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Scholarly Approach

Introduction:  I am going to start off with a quote about how technology has changed over the years and left some of our nation's elders confused and resisitant to change. I agree with this because _________(blah blah blah)_____. In my direct family, we have 3 living generations (gparents, parents, kids). On one side, my gparents have accepted technology and changes and use them daily. My paternal gma however has not. She just recently got her 1st cell phone at 73. Technology is a divider between generations that might have not been apparent a few decades ago.

Body #1: My maternal gparents use of technology: Facebook, photo-sharing, cell phones, ipods, DVR
My paternal gma: cell phone just for emergency purposes, got a DVR (mainly so she doesnt miss a single episode of her beloved Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune).  (Interviews all 3 on knowlegdge, usage, or lack thereof)

Body #2: My parents=becoming tech-savvy....Facebook, craigslist, photo-sharing, photoshop, DVR, ipods, quick texters  (Interviews parents about knowlegde and usage)

Body #3: My brothers and I...Facebook/Myspace, know MS Office, gaming, ipods, fast at texting, comp drives, digital cameras, etc

Conclusion:  3 levels of technology efficiency demonstrated by 3 generations...Why is it so important? Why not?  How will it look like in our children?

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